Video Simplified Podcast w/ Diana Gladney

Video Simplified Podcast w/ Diana Gladney

Hosted by: Diana Gladney

The video marketing podcast dedicated to helping business entrepreneurs simplify and create better videos to create deeper connections with your audience using video to share your vision and purpose with those who...

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Strategic Video Testimonial Tactics Content Creators Should Be Using | VSP Ep. 122

Tis the season for events! From live virtual events, in-person events, and product releases. No matter how big or small your launch is, you're going to need to start capturing video testimonials for your content and...
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What to Do When Your YouTube Channel is DYING! | VSP Ep. 121

You've seen the constant and progressive decline, the engagement isn't there, the views aren't there, and the channel has never been in a worse spot. So what do you do? What even can you do? Let's break down what may...
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My Secret to Transition From a Bank Job to Being a Full-Time Content Creating Entrepreneur | VSPodcast Ep. 120

How do you make the jump from a job to doing the things you dreamed about while you were at that job? You may have heard me mention how I quit my job and went full-time as a content-creating entrepreneur, my journey...
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How to Truly Overcome Your Limiting Beliefs to Achieve Your Goals (for real) | VSPodcast Ep. 119

Sometimes, you just need a new perspective to really help you get over the hurdles you're encountering. It might be tough but you can do it and I'm going to share with you what's worked for me, so you can overcome any...
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The Best Way to Choose a Camera for YouTube (as a Content Creating Entrepreneur) | VSP Ep. 118

Choosing or upgrading a camera is even harder, with nearly every camera being pretty much any video content creator would hope for. What makes this even harder is knowing you want to get the right camera the first...
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Bouncing Back After You've Failed | VSP Ep. 117

Failure isn’t final. The best way to bounce back after you’ve failed is to begins with forgiving yourself, along with a few practical steps to truly move forward ace out of the muck and mud of where you’re...
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Getting Rid of Content Procrastination FOR GOOD!

Episode #116

Feeling stuck or creatively in a rut SUCKS! It's like having a chain around your mind. If you're going to leverage video to grow your brand, it requires publishing content, not sitting on it hoping growth happens with...
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3 Ways Video Creators Can Leverage the Threads App (by Instagram) | VSP Ep. 115

Episode #115

The new Threads app just released, and it's already eclipsing some use on Twitter, and even IG in some ways. As a video first creator, how could we use this in our businesses and brand, or is it an app worth passing...
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The Truth About Using the ZV-E1 NON-STOP for a Week? Is it worth it? | VSP Ep. 114

Episode #114

Many content creating entrepreneurs are questioning if the Sony ZV-E1 is really a camera worth investing in, will it work for them, and what's the real deal with the overheating on the camera. I've been using the...
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VSP Ep. 113 | Why you SHOULDN'T Upgrade to the Sony ZV-E1

Episode #113

Not all cameras are created equal, and sometimes, it's the limitations that can make or break your content creation process. In this episode, we stress test one of the newest cameras on the market and discuss how its...
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VSP Ep. 112 | Delegating: The Key to Unlocking Your Potential for Growth

Episode #112

Are you still trying to do it all on your own? This week, we're discussing the essentials of assembling a successful team and the power of delegation. Learn how to identify which tasks to give to others, the best way...
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Mastering Video Systems: How to Create Efficient Video Processes for Business Growth | VSP Ep. 111

Episode #108

Systems make the world go round! Either it can drastically help you or severely cripple you and your teams productivity when creating video content. This week we're taking a deep dive into what systems you need, how...
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